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Ghosthunters NO LIMITS
  Welcome to the Ghosthunters No Limits out of Tennessee, the online home of paranormal fanatics and explorers.  Please feel free to sent your stories of paranormal events and ask any thing you want. Send your e-mails to tnghunt@yahoo.com

Our main purpose of this club is to investigate known places of ghosts and hauntings in the Tennessee area and posting it on this site. We believe if you like this sort of stuff join the club.

However, if you do not like this sort of thing then leave now. But if you need help finding ghosts and haunted places then we are here to help.

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Featured Haunt

Workman's Cemetery

Yes the Orb is moving!

The  Story:

A girl by the name of Pamela Harris was eight years old when she died, Mr. Workman (no first name given) owned the graveyard, and Pam was a slave (which seems to be a running theme for problemed spirits around here), he was really mean to her, and continues to be mean to her in the afterlife. Pam died before Mr. Workman, and Workman put a curse on this rock slab hidden somewhere out in the forest by the graveyard that none of the people buried in the cemetery would be able to leave (meaning go from the spiritual world to heaven). Pamela wants us to find this stone and break it, therefore releasing the spirits so they are free to leave and ending Workman's curse. ....

Source : Orlock's Spectral Investigations


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