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Gibson County




Hope Hill Cemetery - Medina, TN

confirmed by GHNL


Here is a photo of Jacob and Lance at the Doll House Cemetery. Notice the Orbs in the top right corner of the picture.



Hope Hill Cemetery is located just outside of Medina, TN - off Hope Hill Cemetery Road which is off of Hwy 45 South. It is a well-maintained cemetery with a house in front of the Cemetery. Caution everybody knows about this one, including the COPS so be careful.  The most poplar grave is that of a young girl who died in 1931 at the age of five. There seems to be controversy over the cause of her death. Some say she died of normal causes, some say she was raped and beaten to death by her uncle and some say the little girl was killed by a piano that was dropped by the movers her parents hired.   We don't know which of these accounts is true, though if you go to her grave you are suppose to see her talking and playing with her dolls in her doll house

After the girl was buried, her family (Uncle or Parents not sure there either) had a dollhouse built over her grave because it was her favorite place to play. The dollhouse has had to be rebuilt several times, as vandals have destroyed it, but today it stands and is well kept by family members. Also it is told that if you see the light on in the doll house at night she is there playing and also said that if you step a few steps away and look into a window of the dollhouse, you can see her inside, looking back at you. As with any ghost story, there are a number of variations of the story. It is said that former caretakers of that cemetery report until the new caretaker built a house at the end of the drive. The new caretaker now has a gate up and no one is allowed down the drive from dusk till dawn. (not sure yet?) Also the story of the light didn't start until YEARS after the little girl was buried. Due to the excessive amount of partying from teenagers and sickening graffiti as well as littering, the former care taker took a light and a car battery and placed it inside the doll house and would turn it on at night. Also he repainted the doll house. Since then there has been NO defacing of the property, littering, or teens out partying in the graveyard. After the caretaker moved into his new home the light has been removed.

I would like to note remember the cemetery is closed after 6 PM. and treat it with as much respect as you'd treat the graves of your own family cemetery.

Side view of the Doll House


Update:  Actually several members have checked this story out by talking to the town historian in Medina and learned that Dorothy Marie Harvey was the daughter of a family passing through Medina on their way up North to find work.. She wasn't raped, there wasn't a piano dropped on her, or any of that. Her family was passing through here moving up here, and the little girl got sick with the  measles and she died. So she was buried here. It's still a heart wrenchingly sad story, but without the embellishments. There have been several posts about it in the past, it's worth checking out.



Trenton , TN - Sleepy Hollow  is a rural stretch of road located in Trenton (Gibson County). Sleepy Hollow Lane is an area where urban legend tells, if you pull over to the side of the road and roll down his or her window and yells "come to me" three times, he or she will see and hear many, many ghosts. Then your car will not start again until the morning.

It is not known whether this legend is true or not, but the name of the area sure is creepy.

confirmed by GHNL



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