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Haunted Places in

Weakley County




Workman Cemetery
 The Story:

Workman's Cemetery

A girl by the name of Pamela Harris was eight years old when she died, Mr. Workman (no first name given) owned the graveyard, and Pam was a slave (which seems to be a running theme for problemed spirits around here), he was really mean to her, and continues to be mean to her in the afterlife. Pam died before Mr. Workman, and Workman put a curse on this rock slab hidden somewhere out in the forest by the graveyard that none of the people buried in the cemetery would be able to leave (meaning go from the spiritual world to heaven). Pamela wants us to find this stone and break it, therefore releasing the spirits so they are free to leave and ending Workman's curse. ....

Source : Orlock's Spectral Investigations

Pictures: Click Here

Find more at http://www.geocities.com/orlockbj/Wrkmns.html


Location: North part of Weakley Co. near Austin Springs



confirmed by GHNL

Greenfield, TN - Old Mosley Mansion and Cemetery

- It was a old Civil War House...my Dad live there as a child but he died when I was four so the only thing I know is what my mother has told me, which was quite the haunted house back in the day ..I'm not sure if it was torn down or burned down I've heard different stories. There is a cemetery on back in the woods a bit, which it is told to be the home of an unfriendly spirit.  Also heard if you pulled in the driveway and turned off your engine, it wouldn't start back until you moved it off the property....this has never happened to us though.


If you know anything about this place please write to us!




confirmed by GHNL

Martin, TN - Clement Hall Ghost at University of Tennessee at Martin.

The University of Tennessee at Martin is no exception for ghost haunts. Although known all across campus, the ghost that supposedly haunts Clement Hall is the most well known story at UTM.

Campus story go like this:  Some years back, a female student killed herself on the fourth floor of Clement Hall. Nobody seems to know why she did it, other than that she was severely depressed. I have heard it was over a boyfriend. Now it is said that she haunts Clement Hall. Though odd happenings have been reported throughout the hall, they seem to be most common on the fourth floor, which is locked now. Strangely enough, the most ghostly activity is said to resonate from the community bathroom. Maybe this was where the student ended her life, though no one seems to know for sure. If you know anything email us!

unconfirmed by GHNL - you cannot go up to the 4th floor

"pic from http://www.utmsports.com"

Submited Account of UTM Clement Hall-

I have long been interested in the paranormal and, throughout my life, have had a multitude of experiences that I consider paranormal in nature. From 1972 through 1974, I lived in Clement Hall on the 4th floor, about 2 doors down from the community bath (same side of the hall). I was totally unaware until very recently that anyone else had had any experiences with the spirit in the dorm, as no one had ever talked about it while I was at UTM, at least not to me. My roommate and I were up late one night in our room talking (all the lights were on) when a black shape passed very quickly across the room, starting at the door, and went straight out the window. It was accompanied by some very negative feelings. We stayed awake until the sun came up, but it didn't come back. Nor did we ever see it again or feel anything out of the ordinary again.

As I said, no one had ever mentioned a haunting before that event, and no one we told at the time had heard of anything, either. I just learned of the dorm's history while doing research on the web this past month. I was, to say the least, delighted to find some confirmation of our experience.

The are also two houses in Martin that contained active spirits while I was a student there. One of them is on Poplar. Some of my theater friends lived there around 1973-75. One of my friends was awakened by a female apparition on several occasions. We found a grave stone in the basement (may or may not be related). The other house is 107 Ryan St. My roommate (same one) and I lived there in 1975-76. It had been converted into 3 apartments. We had the middle one which had 2 adjoining bedrooms upstairs. A wide variety of things happened while we were there, some of which were NOT good. After we had been there for a few months, we found out a woman had burned to death upstairs. There were still charred timbers in the closet of the smaller bedroom. A friend of ours had lived there right before we moved in and told us later that she moved out because of the spirit activity.

- Sue, May 2003

Martin, TN - 107 Ryan St. -Haunted House

"It had been converted into 3 apartments. We had the middle one which had 2 adjoining bedrooms upstairs. A wide variety of things happened while we were there, some of which were NOT good. After we had been there for a few months, we found out a woman had burned to death upstairs. There were still charred timbers in the closet of the smaller bedroom. A friend of ours had lived there right before we moved in and told us later that she moved out because of the spirit activity." -Sue

unconfirmed by GHNL

If you anything about this on email us!



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